Sunday 24 October 2010


Great weekend. Got to feel like a rich guy on Friday when Miguel (our driver) picked us up, drove us around in his blacked out ride and gave us a tour of the city. I have a driver, how weird is that. Then he dropped us off at dinner where Jose ordered a meat platter. Not any meat platter, this one had: entrails, liver, ribs, blood sausage, and some other stuff. I tried it all. Most of it was gross. Then we went out for drinks.

Saturday we got up early and took a ferry to Colonia, Uruguay. It was a beautiful river town. Lots of history and all that.

Went on a tour, bought some stuff, and drank some cafe on the river front. I noticed there were a lot of stray dogs hangin out around town. The tour guide told us that in Colonia there are a lot of neighborhood dogs. The whole town takes care of them, get them shots, gives them food, gives them nicknames. What an awesome town. How do they deal with a stray dog problem... they take care of all of them.

Today we took a tour of the pink house, its like the white house... but pink.

Then Miguel took us over to Tigre. A city on the mouth of the rio de la plata. We took a boat tour, ate a cheese burger from a street vendor, and bought some more stuff. There were tons of people and tons of shops. It was very cool.

Tomorrow it is back to work. Then Wednesday night back home!

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