Thursday 28 October 2010

Lost and Found

I was just looking though my notebook, no its not a diary its a notebook ok. Says so on the inside cover, Brock's notebook inside of a heart-shaped border. well I was looking through said notebook and found something I had written down but forgot to blog.

Day2 Buenos Aires

Si work email isn't working. No address for where I'm supposed to show up for work on Monday. No confirmation for the taxi service to get me there. And no Jose! Jose is the other motorolan from schaumburg who traveled down a day after me. We are supposed to be going to a Boca Jrs soccer game today. Getting picked up at 1:30pm. Its 1:20pm and Jose strolls through the door. His flight was canceled, then his next flight was delayed. He had to switch airports in DC to get down here. But he made it! And he got an email from Javier confirming our taxi and destination. Nice! Looks like everything worked out!

Dali Dali Dali bo! Dali Dali Dali bo! Dali Dali Boca, Boca Dali Dali! Dali Dali Dali bo!

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