Friday 15 October 2010

Red carpet club

I've entered the land of Rich people, international businessmen, and that random guy in a canadian tuxedo. Who let him in here? Who let me in here!?

and I know what your thinking. Yes, I did snag that lady's wallet when she got up for a third helping of free brownies and free martinis. Robin hood'n.

some red wine sir??? But of couuuurseeeee

place it next to my free wifi card. Why is it the more money you make the more free stuff you get (or the more stuff your company pays for you)? I'm pretty sure half the people I work with expense 'business lunches' just about everyday. That used to bug me. But now I feel somehow different. WEIRD.

Time to pretend Im doing important businessman stuff on my droid when I'm really playing scrabble against pceleb.

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