Thursday 21 October 2010

Boca Juniors game

We bought tickets to the boca Jrs football match. Their stadium is called, La Bombonera, and is in??? you guessed it, la boca neighborhood. We got a ride over to the game, ate some chorizo, took a tour of the stadium's museum, then sat down in our seats.

Seats which made me feel fat cause they were soooo tiny. Also no beer! When we asked about it one of the people next to us said, "cervesa? No. Do you know how crazy it would get if they served beer." true. People go nuts enough as it is. Boca wins 2-0.

The crowd is going crazy and its time to leave. Except we can't. They literally give the away fans a 40 minute head start so no one gets killed after the match. The fans 'son loco' down here. On the way back to the hotel we passed a street that looked straight outta Baghdad. Buildings with missing walls or roofs and a burned out car on the street.

Oh one more thing. There were like 20 kuwaities sitting right behind us who were super pumped to be at the game. They knew all the chants and everything. Apparently Boca Jrs are super popular in the Mideast.

Me and Riquelme!

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