Friday 22 October 2010

La Plata

So I'm staying in Buenos Aires city, and independent federal state. Which is physically located in Buenos Aires Province, but not part of it. Claro?

Its the Provential capital. On our way in every morning we see at least a dozen horses being walked over to the race track or pulling carts around town. We hire a driver to take us to work because, well they told us its the only safe way. I thought traveling down here would be a lot like Europe. And it is in a lot of ways, but Argentina still isn't a 1st world country and there is a lot of poverty and corruption in government.

We were told not to take taxi's because there is a taxi mafia that rips people off, even locals. We took one anyway, but Motorola will pay for our driver so we usually just call up Miguel. He's a pretty awesome dude, and he definitely appreciates the business. He gave us his personal cell and said to call him anytime, anywhere.

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