Wednesday 20 October 2010

Journey to the obolisque or where the hell am i?

I started off on a trip to see the obolisque. A massive fallic object akin to the Washington monument. Walk west to Julio 9 then south... ok got it. Besides, its a giant F'n stone monolith. Who can miss it? Well its been over an hour and I still haven't seen it. But I did run into a bigass parade. I think it is a parade celebrating the indiginous Argentinians. There's not a light skinned spanish or italian looking person in it.

Also I don't speak Spanish soooo its kind of hard to ask. I stopped in for a beer because, like I said, its a giant ass parade and I dont know where it ends and I'm pretty sure I need to cross it.

" Un cerveza perfavor!" (actually what I said was 'one beer please?' then made a drinking motion with my hand. Because well... I'm a fool and for how to say 'beer' in spanish... so awkward.

anyways, he motions for me to sit down. Then brings out a two liter of Stella. No shit. Its the biggest beer Ive ever seen. I ask for something "mas pequeno" because by this time I realize I took 4 years of Spanish in high school and should at least try. So he brings back a 650cm^3 monster of a beer called "Quilmes Cristal" that's right, drinking Crystal! I'm too embarrassed to ask for an even smaller beer so I drink it.

Lil boozy now. Wait, I think they are doing a second lap. I swear I saw that man dragon two-steppin with that pink senorita a half-mile back. "Uno Mas por favor!" the obolisque will have to wait.

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