Saturday 18 February 2012

Lets find some warmer weather

Did you know Rick Bayless has a restaurant in Ohare? I had a chicken sandwich. It was pretty tasty. Also, I saw Liv tweet about being in gate C but when I tried calling her her phone went to voice-mail. Oh well.

Flight from ORD to LAX was fine. I sat next to my manager Arif and watched 3 episodes of the wire. I was planning on being productive, writing songs or reading those books I've been meaning to read but traveling just makes me want to do the least strenuous activity. I get a lazzzyness that wont go away and I just end up napping or watching movies. Mike, the other Motorolan I am traveling with was sitting across the aisle next to a guy who had no joke 7 gin and tonics on the flight. We laughed about after we exited the plane.

So guess who I was sitting next to on our flight from LAX to Sydney? Yep, gin and tonic guy. But he didn't seem drunk which means either those drink were real weak or he is an alcoholic. So anyways, the guy sitting next to me is named Greg, he works for food processing equipment manufacturing company in Demoins Iowa and loves Jin and Tonic. He had 3 more on our flight from LAX to Sydney. I asked for an OJ and it came with champagne, because I guess everything in business class comes with champagne?

One thing I learned on the trip was do not fly United international unless you are flying business or first class. When Fi and I flew to Australia two years ago we flew Air New Zealand and coach on there was way better then what i saw on United. Maybe its just the plan i was on but coach couldn't choose what they wanted to watch. On Air New Zealand we had like 20 movies to choose from. Also I have heard Qantas is good.

I was able to pick up some Vegemite when we switched planes in Sydney.

Check out my golf score.

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