Monday 27 February 2012

Land down under

I have been super busy with work but I'll try to post more pics soon!

On Sunday we took a stroll down by the Yarra River.

After work on Friday we went out and had some beers. I tried Coopers which is a beer from Adelade. It was pretty tasty.

Then we played some locals at ping pong and I played one of them at this really weird version of pool. The balls were all 2/3 size and there were only two colors, red and yellow. Maybe it was billiards? There was still an 8 ball though. This Aussie, he must have been 19, beat me two games in a row and as we were about to start a third game his parents walked in. I guess in Australia you drink with your parents on Friday nights. Anyways he yells out, 'Mum, dad, I'm beating an American at pool.' His dad yells back, 'good job son, just like the presidents cup in '96'. What is the presidents cup? Apparently we lost to Australia at it in the 90s and they are still riding high on it? He was so excited, it was like the Olympics for him.

Then we made our way back to our hotel which is by China Town. And walked on down to a hole in the wall place called the 'Super Inn'. Arif loves the place, Mike hates it. But Mike is too nice to say no so we went.

It was pretty good. It seemed real authentic. I judge something being authentic by how weird of dishes they have. Super inn has: jellyfish, suckling pig, some skins i think. It was a weird menu. But they had chicken and stuff too. I liked it. He said he can't see what they're doing so he doesn't trust their meat. He ordered vegetables.

Ok, hopefully I am motivated and keep blogging and don't procrastinate until the last few days I'm here.

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