Monday 27 February 2012

Aussie words

So they talk a little funny down here. These are some colloquialisms I noticed.

Aussie words:
Not bad - means good. It takes a lot for an aussie to same something is good or great.

Keen - means you like it

Ya a'right - means ok. also means you are all right. also sometimes used as a compliment when you do something well: 'you know Brock, sometimes ya alright.' But there is always a 'sometimes' put in front of it when used as a compliment.

Using the word Theory to describe things, especially when things aren't actually theory's, such as 'The theory is if you have more lanes, there is less traffic'. Or, 'The theory is you use the straw to transport the water from the cup to your mouth'

No worries - your welcome. Or Don't worry about it.

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