Thursday 5 January 2012


I had some free time this afternoon so I did this. Please excuse my off beat drumming, 1 take! Also it hasn't been EQ'd. Writing, recording, making the video and blog post took about 2.5 hours so you get what you put in. Or you get what I put in I guess...

As a New Years resolution I am going to write 1 song a week. I might put it up here, I might make a separate blog/tumbler for it. We'll see. A few rules.

1. Song must be at least 60 seconds long.

2. There can be as few as 1 instrument, but I can't use the same instrument / instruments two weeks in a row. For example, if I use guitar + harmonica in week 2, week 3 I need to either add/subtract an instrument (guitar + harmonica + drums) or use a different instrument (synth).

3. Cannot do an instrumental track 2 weeks in a row.

4. Re-mix does not count as a new song (unless I mix together at least 3 different songs of my own).

Cool, there's some ground rules to keep it interesting. I know it is cliche to make New Years resolutions. I'm probably going to end up being no better then guy who says 'I'm gonna go to the gym once a week and lose 20 pounds this year' then wastes $200 on a gym membership and has completely given up/forgotten about it by March. But the thing is I already spend more then $200 on instruments so I should probably use them. And you know what, New Years resolutions don't bother me. The people who make the same ones every year and go out of the way to tell people about it do. But not the actual resolution. So there, in order to not be the guy I hate I will have to write a song a week.

The good news is I already have about 10 songs I've mostly written but never recoded so that should get me to at least March.

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