Wednesday 12 January 2011

I saw a Toomey

I saw Kevin Toomey on 90 while I was driving in today. The last time I saw someone I knew on the commute was... never. Which made me think about the most interesting things I've seen during my commute.

Most exciting things I've seen driving to/from work:
3) 3 car fender bender
2) burned out car on the side of the road
1)Fist fight between driver and passenger while still driving. I was amazed. It was like the driver had to keep the car on the road above 5mph or it was going to explode. That's the only reason I can think not to pull over and kick the passengers @$$.

Least exciting things I've seen while driving to/from work:
3)Calvin pee'n on a chevy symbol.
2)guy picking nose
1)People listening to iPods while driving.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! This year I hope to be not traveling as much. Which unfortunately means less blog posts, because, well this is something to keep me ocupied when I travel. But good news for me, not as many airports! At least that is what I am hoping. My first trip for the new year is to Collinsville, IL. I am working on the Illinois State Police radio system. Where is Collinsville? That was my first question too. Its wayyyyyyy down by St. Louis.

Never mind one of the master sites is in Cook county and I LIVE IN COOK COUNTY. Blast, unluck with that one.

Next is a trip in March to Virginia, a state which I've been told is for lovers. Then a project in Schaumburg throughout the summer.

There is an Isreal trip in the works but the Gaza strip kinda scares me.... so we will see.

Since my travels will be limited I may start writing about my travels to/from Scahumburg. Boring you say! I guess we will see.
