Wednesday 12 January 2011

I saw a Toomey

I saw Kevin Toomey on 90 while I was driving in today. The last time I saw someone I knew on the commute was... never. Which made me think about the most interesting things I've seen during my commute.

Most exciting things I've seen driving to/from work:
3) 3 car fender bender
2) burned out car on the side of the road
1)Fist fight between driver and passenger while still driving. I was amazed. It was like the driver had to keep the car on the road above 5mph or it was going to explode. That's the only reason I can think not to pull over and kick the passengers @$$.

Least exciting things I've seen while driving to/from work:
3)Calvin pee'n on a chevy symbol.
2)guy picking nose
1)People listening to iPods while driving.

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