Friday 19 August 2011


SO LA confuses me. I don't think I'm good at that city. In 48 hours Daniel and I got lost in little Japan, couldn't find the beach at Venice Beach, spent 30 minutes looking for where we parked at Universal city walk (for some reason I thought it was the same thing as the walk of fame like 10 miles away), and got sun burnt worse then the roof of my mouth when I eat pizza pockets. At least they upgraded me from a Chevy cobalt to a Ford Mustang.


Also we found some FourLoco which was both terrible and awesome.

Then we walked north and passed all the crazyness that is Venice beach. Every other shop was a medical Marijuana evaluation station. There was some sweet graffiti.

And saw Davey Havok skateboarding!

just kidding. But c'mon that looks like him right?

Also got to meet up with my friend Randy who paid for Korean BBQ, super nice of him, and he facilitated a celebrity spotting. Apparently Quentin Tarantino shops for DVDs at Amoeba Records.

Who knew? I didn't see the Hollywood sign or the Nakatomi Building but I think the trip was a success. Now its on to Palm Springs. A tiny green spot in the middle of a desert. The coolest it is going to be this week is 105.

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