Sunday 21 August 2011


Spent the weekend in San Jose. Got to see the fam and hang out. It was fun. Got to surf saturday. Watched some football and drank some beers with Jason Norris. Hung out in the Mission district and ate a delicious Burrito. Its gonna be weird, Jason being on the west coast. But I will have a sweet place to crash out in San Fran :)

If you are ever in San Jose check out Armadillo Willy's. I couldn't tell if it was a chain but it was real gooooood.

Palm Springs or as it will be known after WW3 barter town

After dropping dan off at the airport I drove from LA to palm Springs. I had to drive through San Bernardino Mountains which has some pretty cool views.

And windfarms

I don't know how this town exists. Its a modern marvel. Nothing should be able to survive here except snakes and cacti but somehow they keep the grass green and even have a Panera Bread. I think this would be the first town to fall into Anarchy if WW3 started. Its basically a bright spot in an otherwise post-apocalyptic nightmare. That might have sounded harsh, it is very nice. Really. Green grass, hundreds of golf courses, Starbucks as far as the eye can see. But it all feels really strange to me. Its so unnatural. Rich movie stars willed this town into being in the 50s and its been going ever since.

The project is pretty straight forward and hopefully we will end early. We'll see. The Hilton I'm staying at has a 24 hour pool and there is a casino across the street I might check out. But the town is pretty dead. Apparently the population triples in the winter time when the temperature is bearable. So right now there is just townies and old people. They literally have waster misters on the sidewalk to cool you down while you walk outside. Should be an interesting week...

Friday 19 August 2011


SO LA confuses me. I don't think I'm good at that city. In 48 hours Daniel and I got lost in little Japan, couldn't find the beach at Venice Beach, spent 30 minutes looking for where we parked at Universal city walk (for some reason I thought it was the same thing as the walk of fame like 10 miles away), and got sun burnt worse then the roof of my mouth when I eat pizza pockets. At least they upgraded me from a Chevy cobalt to a Ford Mustang.


Also we found some FourLoco which was both terrible and awesome.

Then we walked north and passed all the crazyness that is Venice beach. Every other shop was a medical Marijuana evaluation station. There was some sweet graffiti.

And saw Davey Havok skateboarding!

just kidding. But c'mon that looks like him right?

Also got to meet up with my friend Randy who paid for Korean BBQ, super nice of him, and he facilitated a celebrity spotting. Apparently Quentin Tarantino shops for DVDs at Amoeba Records.

Who knew? I didn't see the Hollywood sign or the Nakatomi Building but I think the trip was a success. Now its on to Palm Springs. A tiny green spot in the middle of a desert. The coolest it is going to be this week is 105.