Saturday 23 March 2013


Since quitting motorola I have not been on a trip. This will change on Monday when I fly out to San Fran and meet up with my brother and sister to drive down to LA. This will be my second time to LA. This time I know some locals though so it should be even more fun. I  blasted my friends for ideas and came up with a few. Here's what I expect to do so far.

  • King of Kong: The Unauthorized Musical at UCB theatre
  • Viper Room on the Sunset Strip aka the club from the movie Valley girl aka that place where River Phoenix overdosed.
  • Drive around in the middle of the night listening to ambient music
  • Grauman's Chinese Theatre
  • Eat at wurstkuche
  • J. Paul Getty Museum
  • Kubric exhibit. at Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
  • Downtown LA Art Walk

Also I am hoping for either a Tony Danza or a Ted Danson sighting. But I would settle for Stephen Tobolowsky.