Friday 27 July 2012

Seattle, WA

Woops, forgot to hit the 'post' button. Well here it is... Sunday, July 8th. Last trip at Motorola. Is this the end of the blog? Maybe I'll keep posting when I take personal trips. I think I'll make a new blog about grad school. Maybe I can make a book deal out of it some day... 'Grad school: How to spell PhD." or "Why I should never have gone to grad school" if it ends poorly :P Anyways... my last trip is to Seattle Washington. A city I have never been to but have wanted to go to for a while now. My old roommate Suraj lives here so hopefully we will be able to hang out. Actually, Tully and Erica are visiting him right now. They fly out on Monday, I'm going to meet up with them later tonight if they aren't in a food coma. Also, Fi's bff from high school is in Seattle for the summer so this should be a fun trip. And since I don't have to worry about feedback from the field team I can skip all of the boring field team dinners. I'm hoping to hang out with a lot of good friends on this trip. So Fi dropped me off at O'Hare. I stopped by Rick Bayless's restaurant and had an open face sandwich. Made it to the gate just as boarding started. This super muscular dude sat next to me and immediately took over the armrest which was annoying. I was here first bro! Squatting rights. What streets did you grow up on? Then he starts dipping some tobacco chew before we even take off and spitting it into an empty water bottle. Its freakin disgusting. When I start thinking I hate this guy he starts playing Pokemon on his phone. The original black/white Pokemon which means I can't hate him. He can't be totally bad if he is rocking Pokemon on his droid. To my right is a nice older lady who has napped most of the flight. She seems nice. She made sure her arm wasn't on the adjoining arm rest and said 'I respect the middle seat rule'. Apparently there is an unwritten rule of flying that the middle person gets both armrests. Now 90% of the time I am sitting in a window/aisle seat but I waited to book the ticket so I ended up with a middle seat. Luckily I was able to grab an exit row seat so tons of legroom. I never knew about this middle seat rule though. I wonder if fellow travelers have thought me rude by not abiding by this rule... sorry middle seaters! I didn't know. But back to my point. This lady seems nice. This morning I was watching a twilight zone where a plane flew back in time to the 1920's. So hopefully that doesn't happen. And if it does no one will probably ever read this because the government will cover it up. Ahhh, another pointless post. So the week started off well, worked 8-4:30 Monday - Wednesday. But then stuff hit the fan and we ended up working till 8pm Friday, I had a conference call Saturday which I skipped to go on an underground tour of Seattle with my friend Kate, then we had to go into work at 2am Sunday morning. But hey, at least I got to see Seattle. I like it a lot as a city. Also we had sunshine almost everyday which apparently is unheard of. So looks like I got lucky with that. After this trip I have zero reservations about leaving Motorola. This late night work and having to deal with city governments is not worth the paycheck. City governments literally work like 'Parks and Rec' except there are no Leslie Knopes. There are only less loveable Andys and Toms.