Tuesday 22 May 2012

Auburn, CA

So Auburn, CA. Not much in this town. But I did get to see my parents and brother over the weekend and got to see my dad on his 70th birthday. That was a lot of fun. The drive down was beautiful. Also, I got to see Jason and Nora's new place which is pretty awesome. I think he was made for the San Fran tech scene. Oh ya, I also saw my old roommate Suraj. He flew to San Fran with some friends because one needed to buy a suit for his internship this summer. He's nuts. Went to a Karaoke bar that was run by 'mama candy'. That was fun. I have some pictures but I've got to leave soon for an early flight so I don't think I'll get them up. So this may be my last trip. I received an assistantship at UIC and will be starting in August with some prep work before that. This system isn't live so it should have been easy and non-stressful, but it was very stressful. Mostly because I've mentally moved on. But it's over now! Finished in just over a week. Today basically just checked in and did some clean up then hung out by the pool. I read a few chapters in 'Sirens of Titan'. Re-booked my flight for tomorrow instead of Wednesday. Shoot, still need to send out a final report. My flight is at 5:45am because there are only two flights out of Sacramento and the afternoon flight is booked. Well, hopefully parents won't want to travel at 6am and there won't be any sleeping babies. I took a nap at 5pm, woke up at 10pm for dinner at in-and-out burger, and now I'm staying up all night because there is no use in trying to sleep now. I caught the end of 'Manhattan'. Now it's time to pack. Later California, it was real.