Thursday 30 April 2009

eyeliner and airliners

so I fly back tomorrow, skizoooo! that probably means a long nite tonight. that also probably means more posts today.

speaking of eyeliner anyone watch daisey of love this week? it was real good. she reminds me of those zombielike people in escape from new york that are addicted to plastic surgery and try to cut off kurt russel's face. boy that was a mistake.

Like james t kirk

the outside of my window is scratched to shit which is kind of weird, i've never noticed that on a flight before. it worries me a little.

so... another week of southern cooking and southern politics. if I have too much of either I think I'll be sick. although fried okra and collar greens does sound awful delicious right now.

I think I'll read skymall._


so my flight was delayed an hour and a half. I was relegated to the basement of ohare and had to walk to my plane which I always find kind of fun. except that means im flying in a tiny plane with almost no over head or leg room. Blasted!

im seated next to a russian guy. he is reading a book that looks like it was bought a few minutes ago from the airport bookstore. in front of us is a baby crying. he says "Now de veal questyon iz, do dey sell alkohol on dis flite?" I guess I could have struck up a conversation with him but I didn't feel like it. that baby is being surprisingly quiet... I wonder if the parents drugged him before the flight.


So I had to get up at 3am to work. I am very grumpy.

On the bright side I did get to talk to two hotel employees drinking wine on the job. They were real cordial.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

blog blog blog blog

So I'm bored as hell in south carolina and I'm starting a blog. Thats all. Check in if you like.
